Home Hello World

Hello World

So, after more than a month after creating this website, I’ve finally decided to make an introductionary post. Therefore, I’ll try to manifest the main purpose of the blog and maybe explain some interesting things to you.

If you have come here just to learn some basic things about me, then you should head straight to About page.

Blog creation background

I’ve always been kind of an open person who liked to share their opinions, news and stories from life. That’s why I started the semi-public “Prince of the Underground’s Diary” Telegram channel where I was posting some random stuff about my surroundings, feelings and events that were affecting me directly. Although, this place quickly became underprovisioned, right after a boring period of my life began: university. I was still posting something like congratulations to my friends on their achievements, but there was still nothing interesting enough to talk about in my life. And also, I was too lazy to tell about such little things like getting a new phone, so I’ve been postponing the posts way after the related events have happened.

In June 2022 Telegram Messenger Inc. has launched Telegram Premium, paid feature pack for Telegram app which gives the users such abilites as ads removal, higher upload limits, voice-to-text conversion or disabling reception of voice messages altogether, etc. This event along with my realization about the lack of actual privacy inside the app (you can’t call a service privacy-oriented if you request phone number upon registration) has forced me to worsen my opinion about it. I’ve decided to move to independent services which don’t require sharing any personal information to be able to use them. E-mail is completely fine, phone number - no thanks.
I’m still obliged to use Telegram for some specific reasons, but I limit the usage as much as possible.

The “FOSS” way

Ever since I registered on GitHub, I’m having very strong positive feelings towards the open-source software. The freedom, lack of telemetry and independence from corporation actions - this is all about it. You’re not bound to pay for features or be scared about being banned for using client modifications, you just do whatever you want to the software, as long as the license terms are respected. I’m actively trying to find a free alternative to every proprietary piece, and preparing to switch from Microsoft Windows OS family to UNIX-based systems, GNU/Linux in particular.

This blog

Now you may ask me, “But you just moved from one run-by-corporation service to another, what’s the point?”
Yes, I do understand that GitHub is exactly one of those things that I described as a bad proprietary service, but it’s only a temporal solution for me before I set the self-hosted server up. I can’t tell you when it’ll be done since I’m one hell of a lazy person, but I’m already looking for possible stable enough solutions.

But we got slightly off-track. The reason why I’ve created this blog is not only about using alternative and libre services, but also about how I want to express myself. The Telegram channel was good for microposting, but not for writing anything significant. I’m going to use Twitter for this purpose, yet I’m considering creating a Fediverse account or even a whole personal instance later (Mastodon or Pleroma).

And, after all, having a personal website was always very professional.

What’s next?

Now, while I’m writing this article, I already have another one in making. I’ll give you a hint: it’s about Discord. And (hopefully) there will be planty of other things to discuss here! So I recommend you to visit this blog periodically or follow me on Twitter to stay up-to-date with my humble thoughts and views on the world.
Stay tuned! :)

This post is licensed under CC BY 4.0 by the author.